

Tomishiro, Okinawa


c a f e ス ペ ー ス か ら 生 ま れ る 未 来 の 保 育 園 の 可 能 性

- 新たなコミュニティスペースとしての森の中のcafe - と よ み の 森 の 保 育 園





そんな開放的な給湯室と会議室の隔たりを無くし、 給湯室で起こる、日常の他愛のない社員同士の会話から、 いいアイディアがひらめく空間となるようにイメージしています。

スタッフ同士のコミュニケーションツールを充実させることで より子供たちの為に良いアイディアの発想に繋がる cafeキッチンをもつオフィス空間をご提案致しました。

全体イメージは女性に好まれるナチュラルな素材やカラーをベースに、 森の中にいるかのような曲線的な温かみや、外観のモダンな雰囲気もバランスよく取り入れながら 保護者 や子供たちにも好まれる優しい空間を目指し、新たなコミュニティスペースとしての森の中のcafeをイメージしてデザインいたしました。

 ※JCD OKINAWA空間デザイン賞2021にて入選 詳細は ☞ こちらをクリック


The hot water supply space is often neglected.

In fact, it plays such an important role that good ideas and plans are born in the hot water supply room.

In recent years, the importance of the hot-water room has been attracting attention, and many companies have adopted open kitchens that are as well-equipped as cafes.

We envisioned this space as a place where good ideas can be sparked from the casual conversations among employees that occur in the hot water room.

We proposed an office space with a cafe kitchen that will lead to better ideas for children by enhancing communication tools among staff.

The overall image is based on natural materials and colors favored by women, with the aim of creating a gentle space favored by parents and children, while balancing the curvaceous warmth of a forest and the modern atmosphere of the exterior. The new building is located in the same building as the old one.

*Selected for JCD OKINAWA Spatial Design Award 2021 ☞ For details, click here.







私のイメージをしっかり受け入れていただけるかどうか。  予算の範囲内でどおような改修工事が出来るか。  園を運営していく中での子供達への影響(音、ホコリ、など)と短期間での工事期間は可能か?











~ コンセプションより ~ 前担当者は現在もコンセプションの外部ブレーンとして活躍しています、次回もご希望でしたら担当可能ですのでご安心ください。







社会福祉法人 金努福祉会 とよみ保育園


Q1. Why did you request a remodeling (renovation) design?

Because the number of staff increased and we needed to secure more space for office work.

In the midst of the reform of work styles, we felt it was necessary to set up a resting space for the staff so that they could have an on/off time from the childcare site. In this sense, we wanted a place with a bit of greenery to relax, rather than an office-like space.


Q2: What were you worried about before you decided to work with us?

Whether or not they could accept my image.  What kind of renovation work could we do within our budget?  How would it affect the children (noise, dust, etc.) while operating the school, and could the construction be completed in a short period of time?


Q3. How did you hear about us?

Internet search


Q4. What made you decide on our company?

Because I saw an example of the kind of work I imagined when I looked at the Conception website.


Q5. Would you like to work with us again if you had the chance?

I would like to request your company again if I have a chance. However, I am concerned that the person who was in charge this time has retired.


~ The person who was in charge of this project is still active as an outside brain of Conception.


Q6. Did you achieve your ideal space after working with us?

The design and construction were exactly as we had imagined. We really appreciate it.

We were worried about construction complaints and stress on the children since it is a daycare center, but we did not feel any stress at all at the construction site.

It was tough that the construction cost was three times more than our original budget, but we are very satisfied because the space exceeded our expectations as shown in the image design perspective at the presentation.


Social Welfare Corporation Kin Tsutomu Fukushi Kai Toyomi Nursery School

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デザイン設計・照明計画・家具デザイン: コンセプション






施工期間:1期工事、2期工事 2021年3月~5月(約2ヶ月半)
     3期工事(外部ファサードデザイン工事) ~未定


901-0201 沖縄県豊見城市字真玉橋238-1

電話番号   :   098-850-1122
FAX       :   098-850-1195

