fbpx 2023年(令和5年)、新春のおよろこびを申し上げます。 - conception NEWS/コラム | conception

2023年(令和5年)、新春のおよろこびを申し上げます。 - conception NEWS/コラム | コンセプション

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コンセプション ブログcategory: お知らせ




 本年も変わらぬお引き立ての程よろしくお願い申し上げます。 皆様のご健勝とご発展をお祈り申し上げます。

Happy New Year!

 In the midst of global trends that cannot be covered by the efforts of individuals or single companies alone, companies in all industries are still facing extremely difficult circumstances. All of us at Conception will return to our basic philosophy of “being a company that our customers can count on and be pleased with,” and will work steadily, one by one, starting with what we can do in front of us.

 We look forward to your continued support and patronage in the New Year. We wish you a happy and prosperous new year.